Undergraduate Courses (BE)
1. ME 301 UE Applied Thermodynamics (UG)
2. CS 101 UE Computer Programming & Problem Solving (UG)
3. CS 151 UE Object Oriented Programming (UG)
4. ME 8302 UE Applied Thermodynamics (UG-PTDC)
5. ME 8352 UE Heat Transfer (UG-PTDC)
6. PC506ME Heat Transfer (UG)
7. PE605ME Renewable Energy Sources (UG)
8. PE801ME Waste Heat Recovery and Co-Generation (UG)
9. PC 402ME Thermal Engineering (UG)
Postgraduate Courses (ME)
1. ME 413 Programming Methodology & Data Structures (PG)
2. ME 543 Design of Gas Turbines (PG)
3. ME 548 Fuels and Combustion (PG)
4. ME 564 Aero Thermodynamics of Turbo Machines (PG)
5. ME 566 Design of Steam Turbines (PG)
6. ME 573 Advanced Energy Systems (PG)
7.ME 574 Experimental Techniques in Turbo Machines (PG)
8. EC 504 Data Structures using ‘C’ (PG-ECE-Digital Systems)
9. ME 2204 Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers in Power Plants (PG)
10. ME 204 Design of Steam Turbines (PG)
1. CS 131 UE ‘C’ Programming Lab (UG)
2. CS 182 UE C++ Programming Lab (UG)
3. ME 131 UE Workshop Practice – I (UG)
4. ME 132 UE Workshop Practice – II (UG)
5. ME 331 UE Thermodynamics Lab (UG)
6. ME 382 UE Hydraulic Machinery Lab (UG)
7. ME 567 Turbo machinery Lab (PG)
8. ME2231 Turbo Machinery Lab (Lab – I) (PG)
9. ME252 Computational Laboratory (PG)
10. ME251 Turbomachinery laboratory (PG)
11. PC 451ME Thermal Engineering Lab- I (UG)